Strong family bonding between young children and their parents is so important in their development. The benefits of family bond are endless. Some benefits include:
- Security
- Importance
- Confidence
- Happiness
- Helps create memories
- Helps teach values etc..

Ideas for family bonding that you can do easily
It’s easy to have fun if you know how to. Establish a routine where all members of the family know that you’re doing something together on certain days of the week.
- Eat together : Eating together is one way to improve family bonding. As a family, it has many benefits for everyone including kids. Eating at least a meal together in a day helps in creating stronger bonds and it provides more opportunities for telling stories and sharing about your day.
- Take trips together: Remember to plan trips with your family so they can know what choices you make and your reasons. Ensure to be intelligent with your answers so you don’t pass the wrong ideas to them. Let them choose some of the activities for the trips.
- Attend church together: As parents you should always attend church services together with your kids. Some parents send their children to church and come later while some parents do not even bother coming. If you want to have God fearing children, they must have parents who are examples.
- Family prayer: Praying together helps kids to instill the religious values you want your children to learn and make prayer a daily habit.
- Game night: Fixing a day in the week for playing games can serve as a family bonding ritual. Games can include board games, card games, or any outdoor games.
- Visiting family: If you have family members that live close, visiting them can be made a family bonding ritual. Kids love meeting their grandparents, aunts, and cousins and it is something they will look forward to and be excited about.
- Birthday rituals: You should find creative ways to celebrate birthdays as a family.
- Recreational activities: Evenings or post-dinner hours are great to get some outdoor time as a family. You can breathe some fresh air, play outdoor games, or just do light walking.

While you are building a family culture and establishing family bonding rituals it’s also important to maintain some couple rituals such as
- Celebrating achievements: This could be dinner at a beloved restaurant, planning a weekend getaway somewhere, or even just enjoying a day in bed with Netflix and snacks. Having a ritual to mark life’s successes will bond you and your partner closer together. Not only that, it provides extra incentive to reach your goals together.
- Traveling together: Travelling can be a family ritual. Both of you get to explore new places, culture, food and adventures together.

Family rituals are fun. By being intentional about creating family bonding rituals, you can proactively develop some of your own rituals and traditions that will help point the family in a direction that aligns with your family values.
Do you have a ritual for your family? Please kindly share them with us
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