Hi there, you’re getting married soon and probably thinking of how to have the wedding of your dreams. Well, that’s a very good thing right there and we are so happy for you.
After the wedding comes the marriage. That is the real essence of the whole wedding ceremony.
We all know the regular things everyone hears all time like
- Don’t go to sleep angry
- Don’t curse out on each other
- Don’t bear grudges
- And a whole others
Well, I’m not here to go over them, I have just one advice to give
So what’s my advice to brides, Here it goes:
Do not ever stop learning!!!

There are so many marriages and each marriage is unique and special in it’s own way. Never stop learning new things about your partner.
Each year spent together has its own unraveling, you will only have to learn new ways to manage situations, settle disputes, love more sacrifice more because it’s “till death do you part”.
Never stop working on your marriage, the grass is never greener on the other side all you have to do is learn how to water your own side of the grass.

Keep loving your partner and live each day to make life easier for him/her. Always remember that it is the two of you against the world. You should grow together in love, learn new ways to have fun that suits you both at every step of way because as we grow, we interpret fun in different ways, so find yours and effect it in your marriage.
Marriage can be challenging but bearing in mind that you will always see new things from your spouse everyday and learning new ways to overcome them makes it simple and fulfilling.
Marriage is a joy. It’s not an easy thing, but in that lies the beauty of it, NEVER STOP LEARNING.
Congrats again and i wish you the marriage of your dreams
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